Girl gave him a copy of The Scorpions"World wide live" album around 1985 and he never looked back .
Has only worn Spandex trousers once but they did have tassles.
First band was David Hasselhoff theme band "Poodlehoff" largely obsessed with seafood and lampshades .
Second band was "Filthy Smith" rock and pop covers band known for delivering disco covers in a Metallica stylee and gigging mainly around Newark , Nottinghamshire for 3 years .
First gig to 250 Steel foundry workers most of whom had been advised of redundancy by our singer that day .
During first recording session was told his guitar sounded like a "Buzzsaw" and therefore with regard to his Multi-FX pedal he should "Go home and read the manual" by the studio engineer .
Third band was "The Spanners rock and pop covers band" 5 piece rock and pop covers band.Broke up Dec2014.
Fourth band titled"New band"4 piece rock and pop covers band built a set over 6 months before disbanding due other commitments.
Created"Nottinghamshire jam night"(see Facebook).
Side project:"Udder delight"(see Facebook)Nottinghamshire's premier bovine supergroup.
Joined The Cluedo Club autumn 2016 gigging around Nottinghamshire.
Keen fan of the open mic circuit and jam nights.Checkout The Thursday Night Music Club@The Nags Head,Carlton(The Dog House Crew) and the sunday night jam@The Holly Bush Inn,Ripley.
Volunteered at MacMillanFest a few times.Nearly ended up sound engineering by virtue of having a spare guitar lead in the bar after his shift.Played at Oxjam couple of times.